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Monday, Sept. 30, 2002 - 1:28 p.m.

As promised, your dose of lowbrow humor for the day:

While driving back to the apartment for lunch, I passed a table set up outside Wildcat Textbooks selling t-shirts for this weekend's football game against the Gamecocks of South Carolina. I will buy one of these shirts on the way home this afternoon.

"Why," you may be asking yourself, "is the least sports-oriented person on the planet buying a shirt that's obviously intended to be worn by sports-oriented folk?"

I'll tell you why. Printed in huge block letters across the front is the phrase "Beat the Cocks."

I shit you not.

One of these shirts will be mine and I will wear it proudly. I may even buy my dad one. He'd get a kick out of that sort of thing.


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