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Tuesday, Oct. 01, 2002 - 8:31 a.m.

Whoa, there's some pretty big news on the Diaryland front to report. No, I didn't get to buy one of the cock shirts. They must've sold out of 'em before I could get out of the office yesterday. Anywho, the big news is... (drumroll, please)

I am a contestant on Diary Survivor 4. Just click on the link to see what it's all about. I'm pretty psyched to be one of the chosen 13 for this, and I just hope I don't manage to foul it all up and choke on the first round.

In related news, I must get my Real World audition tape made and sent out, as they're due on the 7th. This will mark five years I've sent in a video. Perhaps this time I won't get a rejection letter. Seriously, next year's season is going to be in Paris, and I'm not speaking of Paris, KY, the charming but painfully slow one-horse town about 20 minutes from Lexington. Nope, this is the big time. The Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, smelly, disagreeable French folk, oh my!

Time to go read up on my competition... er, fellow DS4 contestants ;-)


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