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Monday, Sept. 30, 2002 - 8:12 a.m.

The phone call I was waiting for finally came through. I am no longer surly.

I have received much praise for this entry. Thanks to everyone who emailed and/or signed my guestbook! It just goes to show that sometimes I can be uproariously funny. Everybody should be getting a response from me in some shape or form, depending on how my workday shapes up this morning.

Last week I diligently prepared for the maternal unit to stay overnight Friday and Saturday. Much to my jubilant surprise, I received a call Friday morning saying the trip wouldn't happen. Instead, the 'rents came up Saturday to go to Ft. Boonesborough to participate in a Revolutionary War re-enactment (this is what they do for fun on the weekends). Since they had cancelled their kennel reservation for Axel, the gay wonder dog, I got to have him in my apartment for the day while the 'rents partied like it was 1778 (the date of the locally famous siege at the fort).

Sometimes I like to throw in some history tidbits. A mind is a terrible thing to waste.

On their way back to pick up the dog, we went out to Rincon for some Mexican goodness. Thankfully, I was able to talk Dad out of wearing his Revolutionary War-era gear. True story, the guy dresses like this to run errands around town back home. Yeah, our family is fairly well-known back there.

Last night was the Take Back the Night rally downtown. I'm not an overly emotional person, but some of the things I saw and heard at the rally were quite moving and tragic at the same time.

Yeah, I'll post a funny entry later today. I promise!


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