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Thursday, Feb. 20, 2003 - 2:58 p.m.

So, I saw this bumper sticker on the rear end of a Neon while I was walking around campus today, it read:

"My boss is a Jewish carpenter."

Now, I know the connotation of the message, the reference to Christianity, yadda, yadda yadda. I just wonder, how funny would it be if your actual boss was a Jewish carpenter?

If I were a Jewish carpenter, I would make t-shirts with that slogan for all my employees to wear. And I'd do it all for the one shining moment that a customer walks up to one of the employees and says something like "I'm so glad you believe in Jesus."

And the befuddled employee would give a quizzical look to the customer, "What?"

"Your shirt, I mean, by 'Jewish carpenter,' you mean Jesus, right?"

"Nah, that's just Murray. He's got the office in back."

Because if I were a Jewish carpenter, my name would be Murray.


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