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Thursday, Dec. 19, 2002 - 2:37 p.m.

So, I've had the ceremonial "coming out of the closet" entry, now it's time for something completely different.

I was flashed for the first time last night. While driving back from Wal-Mart with Shelley and Will's friend, Nick, we were stopped at the light in front of the defunct Lexington Mall next to a white Volvo. Nick looks over, the possibly drunk woman in the passenger seat lifts her shirt to expose her breastal region. Nick is thoroughly entertained and commands me to keep up with these people down Richmond Road.

I proceed to keep up with the Volvo. At the next stoplight, more boobage. That's two boobage sightings in one night, folks.

The light turns green, I continue staying alongside the Volvo at Nick's insistence. We stop at one more night, one more superfluous mammary exposure. The whole scene was all too reminiscent of a Mitsubishi Eclipse commercial gone horribly wrong.

Needless to say, Nick was a happy boy. He was positively glowing the rest of the evening.

Leave it to me to write an entry on boobs as my first entry as a "gay Diarylander." There's something very poetic in that.


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