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Friday, Dec. 20, 2002 - 9:39 a.m.

I think my coworkers are trying to turn me into an alcoholic. I submit as evidence the following Christmas gifts I have received at the office this week:

-a box of bourbon chocolates (all eaten last night during Must-See TV)
-a bottle of what appears to be a somewhat expensive Johannisburg Riesling (which I regretfully recycled as a Christmas present for someone else yesterday)
-a bottle of Pinot Grigio
-a bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon from New Zealand
-a margarita pitcher

If I only had my mini-fridge set up here, I'd have a pretty decent bar in the office. I could bring in one of my martini shakers, some shot glasses, set it up really nice. Perhaps I should keep the bottle of Pinot Grigio under my desk anyway, considering that application time is getting closer and my workload is rapidly increasing. Because nothing would be classier than me sitting at the desk, taking huge gulps straight out of the bottle as I answer the phone "Educ... *hic*... ational and Coun... *hic*... seling Psyc.. *hic*.. fuck it, whaddaya want?"

I will supposedly have my phone service fixed at the new place today. Thank god, because I've been going through computer withdrawal not being able to connect to the internet at home. Oh, and I can talk to people, too. Because my phone rings off the hook. Totally.


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