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Wednesday, May. 07, 2003 - 9:47 a.m.

Just a little housekeeping tip for everybody: the quickest way to break a glass is to thrash about listening to a deadly cocktail of Liz Phair, Tori Amos, and Fiona Apple while washing the dishes. Another housekeeping tip for you: shattered glass tends to travel quite far on a freshly Swiffered wood floor - much farther than one would think.

Finals week is halfway through, which means that the prime dumpster-diving season in in full swing. My latest conquest is a phat orange vinyl swivel chair I found outside my building. It wasn't so much by the dumpster, but I'm sure the people were meaning to throw it out. I mean, who just leaves a chair outside? Plus, I observed the chair sitting outside for almost four hours. The way I see it, any piece of furniture left unattended outside for more than an hour is fair game. Thus, I have a new desk chair. La.

My wish list for this year's "shabby chic" apartment shopping (stealing) includes:

-one cheesy oil painting, the tackier the better (probably will be found either somewhere near Aylesford or Linden Walk)
-a cabinet to be used as a bookshelf, preferrably something in tacky mid-1970's faux wood laminate
-an end table in the same style so that I can throw out the wood and brass monstrosity I stole from the parents (dumpster diving is all about give and take)

All this talk about new/old furniture is making me antsy to rearrange my current furniture. I forsee that I shall be up until at least two o'clock this morning. That's excitement, folks.


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