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Monday, May. 05, 2003 - 1:53 p.m.

I feel like utter crap today. Perhaps I've contracted some sort of ebola/SARS/West Nile virus because I am feeling the opposite of sexy right now. Quite frankly, I'm only at work right now because the rain outside is coming down so hard that I can't even see the parking lot across the street from my office.

But I'm not updating this afternoon to drag you down with my tales of sickness. While spending a wonderful Sunday of brunch and shopping with Shelley, I stumbled across something wonderful at the Abercrombie at the mall.

Shirtless. Male. Frat boy. Models.

Yeah, even in my horrid sickness I'm going to try my best to hitch a ride out to the mall again this evening. I'm just saying.


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