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Tuesday, Dec. 17, 2002 - 11:21 a.m.

Last night I went back to the old apartment to get my computer and a few miscellaneous things, came back to the new place, put all the stuff away, and sat down to watch TV for the first time since I moved in. A half hour of Access Hollywood wasn't exactly what I was looking for, so I turned off the TV and flipped on the stereo. As Kylie Minogue was singing to me, I had a brilliant idea.

The formula for alleviating a boring evening: me, an old pair of socks, a hardwood floor, and a bottle of Pledge. It was time for some fun.

I pushed my furniture all to the side of the living room, leaving a good twelve-foot runway with an extra eight feet or so of running space coming in from the kitchen. I sprayed a good amount of Pledge on the bottoms of the socks, slipped them on, took a running start from the kitchen and slid all the way to the far end of the living room.

Repeat as necessary (in this case, for about a half hour. Not only did I use up my pent-up hyperactivity, but my floors are gleaming and they smell lemony-fresh.

I think Jack must've determined I had fallen off the deep end, as he cowered under the futon the whole time. Perhaps next time I'll rubber-band some Pledge-soaked paper towels to his paws and watch the fun. I think he'd come around if he gave it half a chance.

Sadly, that's the most interesting thing I have to say today. It's time to stir up some drama around here.


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