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Saturday, Dec. 28, 2002 - 1:23 a.m.

Hi! It's Matt and Alyssa! We're very drunk because Matt (ME) made margaritas and watched Margaret Cho and we're going to watch Queera as Folk and it's going to be good. And we're drunk! And Alyssa found my porn in my bathroom! And we looked at it and the boys were pretty and it was fun! and we're going to watch Queer as Folk and have a big gay time!

And we went to the worst wedding EVER except it was the worst wedding ALSO! This is why we are drunk! Beucase it was bad! The bride and groom were UGLY. And there was nobody to hit on! And there was little alcohol! Just cheap wine and this was at a country club! I was not impressed. There was also beer but who drinks that but lesbigans and butch guys? Not either of us! so we went to Liquor Barn and bought Margarita Fixins and used my new blender I got for Christmas!

I'm sneaky! Thi is alyssa. Matt's mad cause his camereara isn't making the mbeepring noise,

okaym byre. I love you.

Alyssa has chlamidya.

Alyssa is not usin g invisa line.

But anyway! We went to this wedding and they played too much country music! In the actual ceremony! Yes! and I was supposed to be Alyssa's beard, becaus eshe's a raging bull-dyke and all and I'm a flaming homo and we can't do that whilst listening to country music! And it was bad! But hten they played YMCA! And I had fun! And they played I Will Survive! And it was more fun! And it was good.

Here is a picture of us!

We are drunk and it is the fun. La.

And I love Jaycrew2882 and I love Kinetix!! Yes! And Alyssa loves Cyanophyta! Yes!


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