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Monday, Oct. 28, 2002 - 8:31 a.m.

I would write a long, drawn out entry about the suckiness of my weekend. Instead, I will simply outline the sucky parts:

Friday: Went to work, came home from work to find my remaining ten bank checks shredded on the bedroom floor. Apparently, Jack thought he'd like a big pile of green confetti. Green confetti that could've potentially had monetary value. Had chai and intelligent conversation at the downtown Starbuck's then drove to L'ville to spend the night at Polishstreak and visited with The Critter(which wasn't a sucky part of the weekend).

Saturday:: Got up at the ass-crack of dawn with P-Streak and drove to the most boring state ever to meet an old man to pick up her new dog. At 9:07 a.m. my ATM card was eaten by the machine at her friendly neighborhood Kroger. When we came back from Indiana, the friendly neighborhood bank personnel told me the card had to be destroyed, as it was not a card issued by their bank. The horrid girl at the counter had the nerve to tell me to "have a nice evening." I think I gave her the finger. I'm not sure, as my senses felt pretty dulled at that point. Being the spoiled only child I am, I called the 'rents on my cell phone and drove back to the 'Cliff to be hooked up with some fundage to tide me over until I can get new checks and/or a new debit card. Then I drove back to Lexington. Am I crazy? Perhaps.

Sunday: Went to bed at 1:00 am, woke up at 3:00 pm, saw that the NASCAR race was postponed. While watching the show hosts wait for the race to start, I fell asleep until a little after 7:00. All in all, seventeen hours of sleep. Beat that, beyotch. Got online to chat with my DS4 folks, then went to bed. I woke at about 4:00 am to find that my cat had torn a huge hole in the fabric on the underside of my bed's box spring and was playing around inside. He was locked out of the bedroom for the rest of the night.

Thank god I'm back at work this morning!


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