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Thursday, Oct. 24, 2002 - 11:00 a.m.

Just when you thought the snack food world had no surprises up its sleeve, the good folks of Hostess have outdone themselves. I humbly submit for your enjoyment... the Tiger Tail:

What a wonderous concoction! It's like a Twinkie, but so much more. It is "cake with creme filling & artificially flavored berry stripes," to quote the marketing geniuses at Hostess. But, oh, it's not just that! No!

Do you see that? If my camera would focus correctly, it would be easier to make out. But look closely. Yes. They took this wonderful cake of goodness and sprinkled on top a generous helping of *gasp* coconut!

Never mind the fact that they tried to improve upon the timeless Twinkie. Never mind the fact that the color scheme makes the cake strangely look like it belongs in a slasher movie. It's a Twinkie covered in coconut.

Consider me satisfied.


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