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Monday, Oct. 21, 2002 - 9:04 a.m.

It really should be my birthday more often. Just nine hours into the day, here's what has happened to me: at midnight, 'Lyss and Casey called me to be the first to with me a happy b-day, I woke up early enough to enjoy not only a Pop-Tart, but a cup of hot chocolate as well (which has less to do with my birthday than the fact that I got to bed before 2 am), I had two cakes and a balloon waiting on my desk when I got to work, and the dept. chair is letting me off work early this afternoon. This whole birthday thing is a pretty damn good idea!

Oh, and thanks to everybody who signed my guestbook wishing me well over the weekend. I logged onto D-land this morning and felt loved.

I'm sure you're all just on pins and needles waiting to see what the 'rents had in store for me when I went home over the weekend. Get this - they got me a ten disc CD changer for G-fresh. No longer do I have to deal with the old discman playing through the tape player. At any given time, ten discs are at my mercy while driving around, available at the press of a button on my console-mounted remote control. Rawk! I am such a whore for all things electronic. I also got a kick-ass jacket (in the "fall acorn" color), and the Daniel Bedingfield CD.

I am happy to announce that my departure from the island has been delayed at least one more week. The next immunity challenge seems kinda shitty to me. I'll try my best to write something fantastic for it, but how psyched can I be over plotting my own death? Gah. I don't deal with morbidity very well.

I've gotta get outta here for a bit. Time to eat cake!


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